How to Enroll in CS 1699

CS1699, also known as 'Special Topics', is a course hosted by Pitt, where professors teach courses still in the development phase. These subjects typically cover modern and compelling topics like Blockchain, Deep Learning, and Practical AI.

However, registering for CS 1699 can be pretty confusing.

First, to find the CS 1699 topics being taught for next semester, visit this SCI page.

Make sure you remember the Catalog Number and Class Number for the course you're interested in. Also look at the prerequisites (pre-reqs) of the course. If you don't have the pre-reqs, you can still register for the course!

Second, obtain the course permission number via SCI's permission requestor.

At the bottom of the page you should see a place to login. Click that and log in using your Pitt Single Sign on. Now that you're logged in, you can request a new permission number, by clicking the 'Create Request' button. This should bring you to this page.

Third, fill out the request form.

For the section labelled "Permission Request Details", your choice for the question Why are you unable to register for the course above? is contingent on whether you have the course's pre-reqs.

If you have completed the pre-reqs, simply select "Department or Instructor permission is required."

Otherwise, you must first reach out to the professor teaching the class and ask for them to respond with an email that grants you permission for said class. This may require a quick meeting between you and the professor.

Once you have the email, screenshot it and select "Prerequisite or Corequisite is missing." Fill out which courses are missing, attach a screen shot, and submit.

After a few business days, you should receive an email detailing whether you obtained permission for the course or not.